Reverse Charge

How to Reverse Charge

We offer Reverse Charge for our business customers within the EU. This means that businesses within the EU with a valid VAT number can make purchases without paying the German VAT, which is 19%. However, this does not apply to German business customers, as our shop is based in Germany.

Here is a video which explains how to use reverse-charge:
To make a VAT-free purchase, simply add the products to your shopping cart and then go to the cart, not directly to the checkout. In the cart, you will see all prices including VAT. Scroll down until you find the reverse charge form. Here, you need to enter your VAT number, including your country code, and your email address. Once entered, press the checkout button, and your VAT number will be verified.
If your VAT number is valid, you will receive a notification in the checkout indicating that the prices have been adjusted accordingly and the VAT has been removed.

If this process does not work for you, please don't place your order now, as we cannot refund VAT after the purchase. Instead, contact us with your VAT number and the products you want to order. We will create a manual order for you without VAT.
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